Female student using a circuit board in the Electronics lab

Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

We turn brilliant ideas into advanced technology, solving real world problems with future facing solutions. We have consistently built our reputation as world leaders in the areas of electromagnetics, semiconductors and communications.

Current job vacancies

Featured Job(s):

  • Research Fellow, Reseacrh Associate in MOVPE growth of III-Nitride Materials
    Ref: UOS040071 | Closing date: 01/03/2024
  • Research Associate in Fabrication of III-Nitride Devices
    Ref: UOS040070 | Closing date: 01/03/2024

For more information and to see a complete list of vacancies please see our jobs page

Faculty of Engineering's Heartspace building from Portobello entrance at night
Faculty of Engineering's Heartspace building from Portobello entrance at night

Contact us

Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
The University of Sheffield
Sir Frederick Mappin Building
S1 3JD

Tel: +44 114 222 5355

Email: infoeee@sheffield.ac.uk

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Female student using a circuit board in the Electronics lab