Centres, institutes and networks
Our research institutes and centres have been created to address global challenges facing society, today and in the future. They are often interdisciplinary, with external collaboration and funding, and have earned international recognition.
Flagship institutes
Our four flagship institutes bring together our key strengths to tackle global issues, turning interdisciplinary and translational research into real-world solutions.
Cross-cutting research centres
- Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC)
- Advanced Resource Efficiency Centre (AREC)
- Bateson Centre
- Centre for Assistive Technology and Connected Healthcare (CATCH)
- Centre for Wellbeing in Public Policy (CWiPP)
- Digital Humanities Institute (DHI)
- Energy 2050
- The Florey Institute
- Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures
- iHuman
- Insigneo Institute
- Medical Humanities Sheffield (MHS)
- Polymer Centre
- Sheffield Centre for Health Related Research (SCHARR)
- Sheffield Institute for International Development (SIID)
- Sheffield Institute for Nucleic Acids (SInFoNiA)
- Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SITraN)
- Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI)
- Sheffield Water Centre
- Urban Institute
A-Z list of research centres
Name | Abbreviated to | Description |
A |
Adaptive Behaviour Research Group | ABRG | Our aim is to form an understanding of animal and human behaviour by studying computer models of neural circuits and the behaviour patterns of robots using these models. We are a multi-disciplinary group drawing on ideas from computational neuroscience, adaptive behaviour, neuroscience, ethology, evolutionary biology, connectionism and robotics. |
Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre | AMRC | Identifying, researching and resolving advanced manufacturing problems for aerospace and other high-value manufacturing sectors. |
Advanced Resource Efficiency Centre (AREC) | A facility to promote the collaboration between industry and academia, and provide a platform for access to policy makers in order to meet the challenge of promoting resource efficiency and sustainability across supply chains. | |
Algebra | The group has worked extensively on tight closure and related questions in commutative algebra. Another major theme is the study of local cohomology; this connects with the work of the Topology group via the work of Greenlees on the local cohomology of equivariant cohomology rings. On the noncommutative side, the group has studied classes of rings such as (generalised) Weyl algebras, rings of difference operators, quantum algebras, and Frobenius skew polynomial rings. | |
Arthur Willis Environment Centre | A wide range of topics are studied at the Centre. These include investigations aimed at understanding social insect behaviour and pathology, the role of symbiotic fungi in plant interactions, and research into improving crop plants. | |
Active Touch Laboratory at Sheffield | ATL@S | The Active Touch Laboratory uses methods in animal behaviour, neuroethology, human psychophysics, computational modelling and robotics to investigate tactile sensing in animals, people and intelligent machines. Current research is primarily focused on understanding, and building robot analogs of, the mammalian vibrissal (whisker) system. |
B |
Bakhtin Centre | Studying and developing theories of culture in Russia and the USSR, and researching the work of the Russian philosopher and theorist Mikhail Bakhtin and the Bakhtin Circle. | |
Bateson Centre | The world’s first lifecourse biology centre, studying mechanisms of change throughout life in order to maintain health and treat disease. | |
Behavioural and Evolutionary Theory Lab | The Behavioural and Evolutionary Theory Lab is an interdisciplinary collection of individuals interested in how and why behaviours evolve. We are interested in behaviours and behavioural mechanisms, and their evolutionary function. | |
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Centre for | CBTE | Bringing together scientists, engineers and clinicians in biomaterials; tissue engineering; devices, implants & bioreactors; stem cells; imaging and analysis; and computational systems biology. |
Biomechanics Research Group | Key research themes within this group include biomechanics, computational modelling, medical image registration and mechanobiology. | |
Biophysics | Working with experimental physicists and biologists in Sheffield and elsewhere, we use analytical theory and computation to model biological systems. Our aim is to construct simple models that capture the physical mechanisms involved. | |
C |
Centre for Wellbeing in Public Policy | CWiPP | Considers how people's health and well-being can be defined, measured and improved in ways that help policy-makers determine the best use of scarce resources. |
Cement and Concrete, Centre for | CCC | Offers a wide range of research services to government and industry in cement and concrete. |
Centre for Assistive Technology and Connected Healthcare | CATCH | The Centre for Assistive Technology and Connected Healthcare (CATCH) is a multidisciplinary translational research centre based in ScHARR. We research, develop, evaluate and implement new technologies to enable people to live well and age well. Our aim is to make a significant and lasting contribution to the quality of life and independence of the growing number of people with disabilities and long-term health conditions. |
Centre for Contemporary and Modern History | CoMo |
A hub for people who conduct historical research, whether on an individual basis or as part of a wider research portfolio, and share a belief that the modern and contemporary world is best understood as an interconnected whole. |
Centre for International Research on Care, Labour and Equalities | CIRCLE |
CIRCLE carries out research, evaluation and consultancy on contemporary policy, practice and theoretical issues related to care, labour and equalities. We work with other UK and international universities, and with charities, practitioners, policymakers, industry and government. |
Centre for New Music at Sheffield | CeNMaS | CeNMaS is a focus for concerts, visiting lectures, residencies, symposia and festivals in Sheffield, and provides a forum for composers, performers and audiences to share ideas and information. |
Centre for Research into Accounting and Finance in Context | CRAFiC | CRAFiC aims to be at the heart of the debate about the role of accounting and finance in the development of inclusive and sustainable societies by influencing organisational stakeholders and providing a voice to all segments of society affected by accounting and financial decisions at local, national and global levels. |
Chemical Biology Cluster | Our research in chemical biology is aimed at understanding at the molecular level the fundamental chemical issues of structure, recognition, reactivity and catalysis which govern biological processes from genetic information storage to enzyme catalysis. | |
Climate and Cryosphere | Members of staff conduct research within the theme of climate and cryosphere, covering periods from the Pleistocene, or earlier, through current glaciological and climate processes to the future. A key strength of this theme is a strong track record in the use of a range of approaches from field and laboratory investigations, through Earth Observation, GIS analysis and numerical modelling at regional scales to global coupled climate modelling. | |
Clinical Trials Research Unit | CTRU | CTRU is a UKCRC-registered Clinical Trials Unit providing high-quality support in running clinical trials in line with international regulatory standards, from the planning stages right through to analysis and reporting. |
Cold War Cultures | This network aims to act as a clearing house of information and as a facilitator for discussion across the traditional disciplinary and geographical boundaries, thus improving the quality of interdisciplinary and transnational discussions about the cultures of the Cold War. | |
Communications Research Group | Research activities are addressing exciting topics such as cognitive radio, green radio systems, vehicle communications, smart surfaces, body worn systems, wireless friendly buildings and medical electromagnetics. | |
internationally leading in the development of techniques and algorithms for complex systems analysis, control and signal processing and the application of these in emerging areas of science, engineering and medicine. | ||
Computational Biology Group | The Computational Biology group uses computational and mathematical approaches as tools to understand how biological systems work. Our interests range from studying neurons in the brain to modelling the function of the heart. We aim to understand the evolution of populations and swarm behaviour in insect colonies, including the performance of biologically-inspired paradigms for optimisation. | |
Concrete and Earthquake Engineering | Research in this field is driven by environmental / sustainability issues and the development of new materials and reinforcements for concrete structures. | |
Criminological Research, Centre for | CCR | A focal point for theoretical and applied research into criminology and criminal justice, contributing at the highest levels to criminological knowledge and policy development. |
Critical Psychology Research Cluster | Located in the School of Education, our research centre approaches education very broadly, from informal and community based settings and grassroots programmes to traditional institutions and formal curricula. Our interests offer distinctive possibilities for understanding these developments by bringing together researchers in educational psychology, critical disability studies, curriculum and policy studies, philosophy, sociology, childhood studies, mental health, social and family work. | |
D |
Dementia research at Sheffield | Dementia researchers at the University of Sheffield have come together with an initiative that raises awareness of local research and encourages collaboration. The initiative is guided by NHS England's Well Pathway for Dementia. | |
Digital Research Institute | DRI | Supporting interdisciplinary research in the arts and humanities, and home to cutting-edge research projects using innovative digital technologies. |
Dynamics Research Group | DRG | The group conducts research into vibrations and the dynamics of structures. The main areas of research are: nonlinear dynamics, structural health monitoring, active and passive vibration control and smart materials and structures. |
E |
Early Childhood Research Cluster | The Early Childhood Research Cluster incorporates researchers whose work crosses, and intersects with, a range of disciplines, methodologies and theoretical frameworks. | |
Understanding how the natural world has evolved and operates. | ||
Eighteenth-Century Studies Group | The Eighteenth-Century Studies Group is an interdisciplinary group of scholars from a wide range of disciplines across the University of Sheffield. They cover the long eighteenth century - from c.1650 to 1850 - with particular strengths in British, American and European history. | |
Electrical Energy Storage and Applications, Centre for Research into | CREESA | The Centre for Research into Electrical Energy Storage & Applications is one of the UK’s leading research centres on all aspects of electrical energy storage. It includes the unique £4.8m Battery Energy Storage Demonstrator – a 2MW grid-connected research facility that uses a lithium titanate battery. |
Electrical Machines & Drives | EMD | The Group undertakes fundamental and applied research on enabling technologies which are likely to be central to future developments in electrical power engineering. Its strategy, therefore, is to maintain a balanced portfolio of projects on a broad range of research topics, and to promote pullthrough of its R&D to commercial exploitation and applications encompassing different market sectors. |
Electronic and photonic molecular materials research group | EPMM | EPMM has a long-standing interest in many aspects of the physics and technology of organic semiconductors and organic optoelectronic devices. Current research programmes include study into organic photovoltaic devices (OPVs), organic field-effect transistors (FETs) and organic photonic devices. |
Energy 2050 | Energy 2050 explores how we can move to a secure, low-carbon energy system. The initiative addresses the energy triple challenge of delivering affordable, secure and sustainable energy. | |
Energy, Environment and Sustainability, Centre for | CEES | Researching, developing, and deploying innovative ways of advancing the understanding of energy, environment and sustainability for a low carbon future. |
EPSRC National Epitaxy Facility | Provides access to world-class expertise and state-of-the-art facilities for UK universities and industry. | |
Experimental Thermodynamics UK, Centre for | CETUK | The Centre for Experimental Thermodynamics UK (CETUK) is a technology hub for measuring fundamental material properties and for thermal processing. The aim is to support national and international academic and industrial communities, benefiting applications of materials design and processing for several large industries including cement, ceramics, metallurgy and glass. |
F |
Florey Institute | In 1941 Sir Howard Florey, former Chair of Pathology at the University of Sheffield, conducted the first ever clinical trials of penicillin – a drug which would go on to save more than 82 million lives worldwide. Inspired by Florey’s pioneering work, the Florey Institute aims to make life-saving advances in understanding how infectious agents interact with their hosts to cause disease and to translate these discoveries into new treatments. | |
Fluid Dynamics | This group's research covers a wide spectrum of topics in fluid dynamics. It covers vortex dynamics and turbulence, including basic problems of the Navier-Stokes equations, differential geometric characterisation of Lagrangian stability and possible singularity formation in Euler flows. The group also has interests in engineering fluid dynamics, particularly in microfluidic rheology and in interfacial flows, including the Marangoni effect. Acoustic waves, for example digitised speech patterns, are also studied. | |
Freedom of the Media, Centre for | CFOM | Studies issues of media freedom and standards to illuminate where news media freedom is undermined or abused and to examine news media standards of independence and truthfulness. |
G |
Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures | GCSF | Interdisciplinary collaboration between the Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment and the University of Sheffield. Aims to advance the science of sustainability and connect it with the policy debate around how humans can live in a more sustainable way. |
Green Roof Centre | The National Centre of Excellence for green roofs - promoting green roof development and implementation. | |
Groundwater Protection and Restoration Group | GPRG | The GPRG seeks to make a practical contribution to the protection, restoration and sustainable management of groundwater through international quality scientific research, supported by engineering applications and wide dissemination. |
H |
Higher Education Research Cluster | Researching a broad range of related studies in higher education and lifelong learning. | |
History of the Gothic, Centre for the | The centre was inaugurated in June 2014 and brings together colleagues from across the Faculty of Arts and Humanities who have an interest in the historical and national contexts in which the Gothic of the eighteenth century emerges and the influence that it had on the nineteenth century Gothic. | |
I |
iHuman | Bringing together social sciences and humanities with psychological and biological sciences to understand what it means to be human. | |
Industrial Strategy Commission | A collaboration between Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute and the University of Manchester. The Industrial Strategy Commission will carry out an independent, authoritative inquiry into the development of a new, long-term industrial strategy for the UK. | |
CILR | The centre aims to explore, illuminate and develop the field of information literacy through the conduct and stimulation of research and related activities. | |
Inorganic Semiconductors Group | The Inorganic Semiconductors Group is active in a variety of topical areas in semiconductor physics, photonics and the control of interaction between light and matter. The activities encompass both fundamental and applied research, ranging from single quantum dot and single photon phenomena to quantum cascade and quantum dot laser physics and device physics. | |
Insigneo Institute |
The Insigneo Institute is a collaborative initiative between the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. It is a multidisciplinary collaboration between over 150 academics and clinicians to develop computer simulations of the human body and its disease processes that can be used directly in clinical practice to improve diagnosis and treatment. |
Institute of Work Psychology | IWP | Developing and testing theories on the effects of work on employee well-being and performance, combining scientific quality with practical relevance. |
Integrated Civil and Infrastructure Research Centre | ICAIR | ICAIR is a national research facility which seeks to apply world leading research to the construction and infrastructure sectors, with the goal of delivering step changes in productivity and resilience. |
Intelligent Systems, Decision and Control Research Group | ISDC |
The group is internationally renowned for its work on multi-objective evolutionary optimisation algorithms, intelligent health monitoring and fault diagnosis, decision support systems for biomedicine, information processing and computational data modelling. |
J |
Journalism and History, Centre for the Study of | Uses journalism both as a source for understanding the past, and for clarifying ideas about the public sphere, language and discourse. | |
K |
Kroto Research Institute | A research facility for engineering science at the interfaces between molecular science, engineering application and social impact. | |
L |
Laboratory for Verification and Validation | LVV | A unique facility enabling research into the Verification & Validation (V&V) of engineering models across test scales and in all environments. |
The Leverhulme Centre for Climate Change Mitigation | LC3M | The Leverhulme Centre for Climate Change Mitigation (LC3M) is investigating the role of enhanced rock weathering as a means to cool the planet. Its four key themes include: Earth Systems Modelling, Fundamental Crop Weathering Science, Applied Weathering Sceince and Sustainability & Society. |
Lighting Research | The lighting research group predominantly focuses on the need for, quality, and effect of, artificial light in both interior and exterior contexts. | |
Linguistic Research, Centre for | Brings together linguistics researchers to study the related areas of theoretical and applied linguistics. | |
Literacies Research Cluster | Exploring new ways of conceptualising literacy and looking at ways in which new technologies are impacting on literacy practices. | |
Logistics & Supply Chain Management Research Centre | LCSM | Focused on researching, developing and applying leading edge work on logistics and supply chain management, nationally and internationally. |
Low Dimensional Structures and Devices Group | LDSD | The LDSD Group carries out leading-edge research in the physics and applications of semiconductor nanostructures, with particular emphasis on novel opto-electronic phenomena. |
Luxembourg Studies, Centre for | Studies the multilingualism and multiculturalism of Luxembourg, coupled with the on-going promotion of the national language. | |
M |
Machine Learning | ML | This group explores and develops the capacity for algorithms to learn and make decisions and predictions from their environment. Approaches range from biologically inspired computational models to probabilistic modelling and dimensionality reduction. |
Manufacturing and Design Group | Research in manufacturing technology focuses on additive manufacturing, composites and machining and spans a wide range of technology readiness levels from fundamental to applied research. This includes a number of activities with the University's multi-million pound Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre. | |
MAPP: Manufacture using Advanced Powder Processes | MAPP | MAPP develops new powder-based manufacturing processes that provide low energy, low cost and low waste manufacturing routes and products for UK industry. |
Mass Spectrometry Centre, Faculty of Science | A specialised service utilising state-of-the-art mass spectrometry for applications in proteomics, metabolomics, organic and inorganic chemistry. | |
The Materials and Biological Physics Group studies a wide range of problems in soft matter, from understanding the fundamental physical principles that underpin life, to the practical applications of organic thin-films. |
The Mathematical Biology Group | The Mathematical Biology Group uses a wide range of mathematical and statistical approaches to study questions in biology and medicine. | |
Medical Care Research Unit | MCRU | The Medical Care Research Unit has been conducting high quality health services research for almost 50 years. Our aim is to carry out research that influences health care practice and policy for the benefit of NHS patients and the public. We describe and evaluate services and technologies to measure the impact on patient outcomes, service effectiveness and the wider social and economic effects. |
Medical Humanities Sheffield | MHS | A cross-disciplinary environment focusing on teaching and research at the interface between medicine and humanities, with a core theme of 'locating the human' in healthcare. |
Mellanby Centre for Bone Research | Undertaking a translational programme of basic and clinical bone research with a wide-ranging and comprehensive remit. | |
A multi-disciplinary group, working on the machinery of microbial life. We explore microbes all the way from their fine molecular structure to their interactions with human hosts and the diseases they cause. | ||
Molecular Ecology Laboratory | The Molecular Ecology Research Laboratory is part of the Evolution and Behaviour Research Group in the Department of Animal and Plant Sciences. Current research interests include sexual selection and mating systems, population structure and avian genome analysis. | |
Music Mind Machine | Music Mind Machine in Sheffield continues the tradition of the successful interdisciplinary research group Music Mind Machine to combine expertise and methodologies from music theory, psychology and computer science to investigate cognitive processes underlying the perception and performance of music. | |
Music and Wellbeing | Music and Wellbeing at Sheffield combines expertise and state-of-the-art methodologies from music psychology and social and health sciences to document and investigate the role and impacts of musical experiences in both everyday and extraordinary wellbeing challenges. | |
N |
National Institute for Health Research’s School for Public Health Research | The National Institute for Health Research's School for Public Health Research at ScHARR increases understanding of what works to improve population health and reduce health inequalities. | |
Natural Language Processing Research Group | NLP | Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an interdisciplinary field that uses computational methods:
Natural Robotics Lab | The Natural Robotics Lab was founded in 2010. It investigates robotic systems inspired by nature and robotic models of natural systems. Particular emphasis is on the study of self-assembling robotic systems and swarm robotic systems. | |
NERC Biomolecular Analysis Facility (NBAF) | NBAF | Our aim is to make state-of-the-art molecular genetics facilities and training available to the UK community in the science areas that fall under the remit of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). |
Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre | NAMRC | Combining industry expertise and university innovation, the Nuclear AMRC works with companies to improve capabilities and performance along the nuclear supply chain. |
Number Theory | The interests of the Number Theory group are centred on modular forms, automorphic representations and their congruences, Galois representations and their modularity, elliptic curves, arithmetic algebraic geometry, and the Bloch-Kato conjecture on values of L-functions. | |
O |
Optical Quantum Information Processing | The research in this group focusses mainly on quantum information processing with optical systems. This encompasses how to build a quantum computer and quantum communication devices using light, quantum information extraction via metrology, and reseach in quantum imaging and lithography. | |
P |
Particle Astrophysics and Gravitation | The group's interests are in Cosmology, Gravitation and Black Holes. It seeks to understand how the universe expands, why its expansion is accelerating, the classical and quantum behaviour of black holes, and the fundamental theory of space and time. | |
Particle Physics and Particle Astrophysics Group | We have aimed at Sheffield to build a group with expertise that bridges the best in experimental accelerator particle physics with the best activity in the emerging new field of astroparticle physics. | |
Within the global challenge of food security, enhancing crop yield and robustness is a key priority; understanding the molecular mechanisms behind plant development and photosynthesis is essential to achieve this goal. | ||
The PDG group carries out fundamental research in the stability, dynamics, structure, and evolution of astrophysical fluids (heliospheric and stellar interiors and atmospheres, together with their environments) and laboratory plasmas (magnetically confined fusion). |
The Polymer Centre | A centre for research across an unusually wide range of subjects in the sciences, engineering, medicine, social sciences and humanities. | |
Polymers and Soft Matter | We study, using analytical theory, computational methods and simulations a wide variety of phenomena that occur in polymers and other soft materials. | |
Prokhorov Centre for the Study of Central and Eastern European Intellectual and Cultural History |
The Prokhorov Centre is the only research forum in the UK with an integrated focus on the intellectual and cultural histories of both Central and Eastern Europe. It is based in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Sheffield. |
Public Health Research, NIHR School for | The National Institute for Health Research's (NIHR) School for Public Health Research at ScHARR increases understanding of what works to improve population health and reduce health inequalities. | |
Public Library and Information in Society, Centre for the | CPLIS | Contributing to the field of public library and information research and encouraging interaction between academics, professionals and policy makers. |
Q |
Quantum Dynamics | The research in this group focusses on the theoretical/computational study of chemical reactions using quantum dynamics. The systems studied vary from small fundamental gas-phase reactions, like H + O 2, an important combustion reaction to gas-surface reactions involving small molecules in the interstellar medium. | |
R |
Rail Innovation & Technology Centre | RITC | The focus of the RITC's activity is intelligent systems engineering involving detection, sensing, communication, materials, structures and software technologies that can be applied to rail infrastructure, operations and traffic. |
Regional Economic and Enterprise Development, Centre for | CREED | Researching into the increasingly important areas of regional development and entrepreneurship. |
Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Advanced Electrical Machines and Drives | Undertakes research programmes under the direction of Rolls-Royce, with a view to facilitating advancements in technology aimed at future market requirements. | |
Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Control and Systems Engineering | Researching control systems, embedded software, systems and control law definition, safety and reliability, high integrity software and systems integration. | |
Royce at the University of Sheffield |
Royce at the University of Sheffield is leading the advanced metals processing theme of the Henry Royce Institute. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities across two sites – the Royce Discovery Centre and the Royce Translational Centre – Royce assists in accelerating university and industry ideas through to an industry production scale in order to meet global challenges.
S |
Semiconductor Materials & Devices Research Group | SMD | The SMD group is internationally leading in the epitaxy of semiconductor materials, electron microscopy of devices and materials, and the design, fabrication and engineering of both electronic and opto-electronic devices. This is made possible by an extensive array of resources in terms of both personnel and capital equipment. |
Sheffield Alcohol Research Group | SARG | The Sheffield Alcohol Research Group takes a lead in the School of Health and Related Research's developing research programme on alcohol and other addictions. Our work is influential in informing current debate on alcohol policy and our Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model has provided a key evidence base for debates around minimum unit pricing in the UK and beyond. |
Sheffield Centre for Aegean Archaeology | SCAA | Researching all aspects of the archaeology of the Aegean in many disciplines, such as bioarchaeology, archaeology of material culture and ancient materials, field archaeology, study of ancient texts. |
Sheffield Centre for Archaeobotany and Ancient Land-Use | SCALE | Researching plant economies and land use, integrating archaeology with ecology, botany, agronomy, earth sciences, genetics and ethnobotany. |
Sheffield Centre for Health and Related Research | SCHARR | SCHARR is tackling some of the world’s biggest health challenges to improve the lives of people in the UK and around the world. |
Sheffield Centre for International and European Law | SCIEL | Researching into the global and European aspects of legal issues in an increasingly globalised world. |
Sheffield ECMC | ECMC | The ECMC network is dedicated to supporting pioneering, early-stage clinical trials and translation of scientific discoveries into new cancer treatments for patients. Specialist areas of activity at Sheffield ECMC are bone oncology and tumour microenvironment, genomic medicine, thoracic malignancies and innovative radiotherapy, and rare tumours. The centre has facilities for imaging, flow cytometry, DNA sequencing and histopathology. |
Sheffield Institute for Nucleic Acids (SInFoNiA) | SInFoNiA | We are a multidisciplinary research institute bringing together a wide group of scientists from medicine, science and engineering to investigate the role of nucleic acids in health and disease. We focus on three key areas: gene expression, genome stability and nucleic acid chemical biology. |
Sheffield Institute of Corporate and Commercial Law | SICCL | SICCL members have interests in many aspects of corporate and commercial law, including corporate governance; corporate social responsibility; aspects of intellectual property including trade marks and copyright; finance and banking; theories of money; law and economics; regulation; relational contract; e-commerce; commercial property and internet privacy. |
Sheffield Centre for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies | SCIBS | A leading institute for interdisciplinary biblical studies graduate teaching and research, focusing on an innovative range of research interests in ancient and contemporary contexts. |
Sheffield Institute for International Development | SIID | Sheffield Institute for International Development (SIID) is a flagship interdisciplinary research institute within the University of Sheffield. SIID brings together researchers, partners, students and stakeholder groups to develop new approaches to development research. Understanding the challenges of development is increasingly important in our inter-connected world. |
Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience | SITraN | Dedicated to finding the causes and cure for motor neurone disease (MND), as well as other neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Spinal Muscular Atrophy. |
Sheffield Motor Neurone Disorders Care and Research Centre | The Sheffield Motor Neurone Disorders clinic offers multi-disciplinary care and support to patients and carers living with Motor Neurone Disorders (MND). There is a dedicated team who aim to provide a high level of care and support to people living with MND. We are a regional centre that works closely with and is in regular contact with community teams ensuring that patients and their carers receive specialist knowledge and advice to support individuals. | |
Sheffield Neuroscience | Sheffield Neuroscience brings together doctors, scientists and engineers to fight neurological conditions such as Motor Neurone Disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson's. | |
Sheffield Performer and Audience Research Centre | SPARC | The Sheffield Performer and Audience Research Centre (SPARC) studies audiences, performers and live music, using empirical approaches in order to understand arts experiences. |
Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute | SPERI | Brings together leading international researchers in the social sciences, policy makers, journalists and opinion formers to reassess and develop substantive proposals to respond to the political and economic challenges posed by the global financial crisis and its legacy. |
Sheffield Robotics | Sheffield Robotics brings researchers from across disiplinary boundaries to drive forward the understanding, development, and integration of robots and automation. | |
Sheffield Solar |
Sheffield Solar is the UK photovoltaic industry’s leading scientific data resource. Sheffield Solar develops new generations of solar cells using plastic as opposed to silicon, something that would reduce processing costs and enable photovoltaic technology to be used on a wider scale. Sheffield Solar's researchers are also developing a solar forecasting tool that could increase the efficiency of the electricity system and reduce energy costs. It is part of the Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures |
Sheffield Surface Analysis Centre | SSAC | The SSAC is a facility based within the University of Sheffield providing access to state of the art surface analysis instrumentation for both commercial and academic research. |
Sheffield Water Centre | An interdisciplinary water research centre, dedicated to continuing the University of Sheffield's highly collaborative and innovative approach to solving major challenges in the water sector. | |
SInFoNiA (Sheffield Institute for Nucleic Acids) | SInFoNiA | We are a multidisciplinary research institute bringing together a wide group of scientists from medicine, science and engineering to investigate the role of nucleic acids in health and disease. We focus on three key areas: gene expression, genome stability and nucleic acid chemical biology. |
Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre | SP²RC | Seeks to understand the nature of key plasma processes occurring in the solar interior and the atmosphere of the Sun, from photosphere to corona. |
Solar Wave Theory Group | SWAT | The Solar Wave Theory Group (SWAT), as part of the Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre (SP²RC) at the University of Sheffield, has established a world-leading role in solar and space plasma wave physics by its work on wave processes from the sub-surface solar interior to the solar upper atmosphere (corona) using mathematical modelling and analysis of observational data from satellite-borne and ground-based state-of-the-art instruments. |
Solid Mechanics Group | The solid mechanics research area covers a very broad range of activity across the discipline. A unifying theme is the application of core science to solve real industrial problems. | |
South-East European Research Centre | SEERC | Supporting the peoples, economies and political institutions of South-East Europe through the conduct of research and policy analysis. |
South Yorkshire Sustainability Centre |
Working with partners across the region to solve sustainability challenges and help to provide jobs, skills and economic opportunities |
Space Systems Laboratory | SSL | Their aim is to investigate the physical processes in the solar atmosphere, how such processes give rise to the Solar Wind at the Sun, its subsequent propagation through the solar system, its interaction the planets, and the effect this has on our local geospace environment. |
Statistics | Statistics is concerned with modeling and analysing data, designing experiments, and making inferences, predictions and decisions in the presence of uncertainty. Our main research interests are in applied statistics: applied problems that motivate the development of new methods, and new applications of advanced statistical methodology. | |
Stem Cell Biology, Centre for | CSCB | The first UK laboratory to undertake research on human embryonic stem cells and whose research and discoveries are central to developing clinical applications for pluripotent stem cells in regenerative medicine. |
Structural Fire Engineering Research Group | Our main theme has been to progress our understanding of structural actions in fire by analytical studies using our numerical modelling software Vulcan, which has been continuously developed over 20 years as a specialised research tool. | |
T |
Theoretical Magnetism | Research in theoretical magnetism supports the programme in experimental magnetism. Current topics include developing an understanding of the origins of magneto-optic properties of magnetic oxides and the behaviour of multiferroic manganites and also pseudo spin models for phase transitions in other materials, for example in liquid crystals. | |
Theory of Photonic Crystals and Microcavities | Most of the theoretical work in the group is concerned with the study of photonic crystals and planar semiconductor microcavities. We are currently developing an approach to calculating properties of photonic crystals based on Wannier functions from electronic structure theory. | |
Thermofluids Research Group | The group conducts research in energy, aerodynamics and fundamental fluid mechanics. | |
Topology | The work of the Topology group is focused on stable homotopy theory, and equivariant versions for spectra with action of a compact Lie group. One major theme is elliptic cohomology, which has rich connections with the work of the Number Theory group. Another theme involves the commutative algebra of generalised cohomology rings, particularly in an equivariant context, which again interacts strongly with the Algebra group. | |
U |
Urban Institute | The Urban Institute brings together researchers from different disciplines to stimulate new thinking about urban growth, resilience, infrastructure, urban governance and the smart cities agenda. | |
Urgent and Emergency Care, Centre for | CURE | The Centre for Urgent and Emergency Care Research (CURE) aims to improve the quality of urgent and emergency care through rigorous objective independent research. |
V |
Verification and Testing Research Group | VT | Scientific interests are in the study of specification and development, of models and calculi for software systems and programming languages, in formal analysis, logic and algebraic computational models and theories, mechanistic and automated reasoning. |
Virtual Reality, Graphics & Simulation | VRGraphicS | VRGraphicS mixes visual creativity, programming, mathematics, and an understanding of people and interfaces. We create virtual characters, serious games, GPU-based solutions for science and engineering problems, and study presence and behaviour in virtual worlds. |