Make a donation
Thank you for choosing to support the transformational power of education and research at the University of Sheffield.
Donate online
Make a gift online using your debit or credit card via our secure payments system.
Make a regular giftStart your regular gift todayIncrease or amend an existing regular gift
Donors based in the UK can also set up a tax-efficient regular gift via their employer using the Government's Payroll Giving scheme.
For more information visit the GOV.UK webpage or contact us at
Donate by cheque
Send your cheque (payable to 'The University of Sheffield') to:
University of Sheffield, Campaigns and Alumni Relations
40 Victoria Street, Sheffield, S10 2TN, UK
Please include a note with your name, address and contact details, and state the cause you'd like your donation to go to.
Leave a gift in your Will
Leave a lasting impact through education by remembering Sheffield in your Will.
Give a transformational gift
If you'd like to make a transformational gift to the University, we'd be delighted to talk to you.
Contact Ceris Morris, Director of Fundraising
Call: +44 (0) 114 222 4512
Gifts of stocks and shares
Donating shares can be a very tax-effective way of giving, especially if you are a higher rate or additional rate tax-payer. Giving in this way enables you to claim full tax relief to the market value of your shares.
Contact Ceris Morris, Director of Fundraising
Call: +44 (0) 114 222 4512