Information for Members of the Senate
This information is intended to provide members of Senate with additional background and contextual information about the University and the HE sector, including relevant pages dedicated to learning and teaching and research, and to the work of individual committees of Senate.
- Governance of the University
General University information
University of Sheffield Calendar
- Statutes (PDF)
Annual Report and Financial Statements
Our Role in the City and Region
- Academic
Academic Programmes and Student Engagement
- External Links and Publications
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)
Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA)
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
Leadership Foundation: Getting to Grips Series
- Although aimed at HE governors, these guides cover: Academic Standards Quality and the Student Experience Audit Estates and Infrastructure.
Higher Education Code of Governance
- The Committee of University Chairs Higher Education Code of Governance (September 2020).
Office for Students terms and conditions of Funding for Higher Education Institutions
Contact us:
If you require further information or questions please contact:
Kate Sullivan
Stacey Callan