The Five Scrolls: Scots Biblical Translation
Event details
Prof Hugh Pyper, Emeritus, University of Sheffield “The Five Scrolls: Scots Biblical Translation”
Based on his recent publication, The Sang O Sangs, Ruth, Lamentations, Qoheleth And Esther Owerset frae the Hebrew intil Scots (Handsel Press 2023), this talk will give an overview of Pyper’s translation from the original Hebrew into Scots of five books from the Hebrew Scriptures: The Sang o Sangs, Ruth, Lamentatiouns, Qoheleth and Esther. These books, besides being important Jewish scriptures and part of the Christian Old Testament, are fascinating and still relevant examples of ancient literature for those of any religion or none. The publication of translations of great works of world literature into Scots is a crucial part of demonstrating its continuing vitality as a literary language.
53.381670050901, -1.4820851
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