Emotional wellbeing and mental health service for schools

We are studying the impact of a pilot project which is delivering a range of services designed to enhance the emotional health and well being of children and young people in a number of schools across Sheffield.


The Critical Psychology and Education team of the School of Education recently evaluated a pilot project delivered in Sheffield schools.

Results emphasised the need for effective communication processes between schools and agencies involved across education and health looking especially to include:

  • ethically sensitive data-sharing
  • clarification of referral criteria and pathways
  • the contribution and knowledgeable consent of young people and their families as central in service planning and to the point of delivery.

The evaluation also identified the need for protective factors which enhance the emotional wellbeing and mental health (EWBMH) of young people in schools to include:

  • good models of educational practice, learning and achievement
  • service delivery which acknowledges ‘social’ and ‘medical’ approaches to EWBMH in schools.


Billington, T., Williams, A., Abdi, M. Lahmar, J. (2016) Evaluation of the emotional wellbeing and mental health service for schools. School of Education. University of Sheffield and Sheffield City Council

Lead staff members

Professor Tom Billington and Dr Tony Williams

Research centre

Centre for Critical Psychology and Education


Sheffield City Council


September 2015 - July 2016

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