Submitting timesheets

How to complete and submit timesheets for your working hours on myJobshop.


How do I complete and submit my timesheet?

Your claims for work will be processed through the myJobshop system by submitting weekly timesheets.

Your timesheets will be available in the myJobshop portal (located in the Timesheet section on the left hand side of the page) for each role and for each week that you have worked.

The week runs from Monday to Sunday, therefore, you can submit your timesheet once you have finished working for that week, ensuring the dates and hours are correct. 

Your timesheet will be rejected if the information submitted is incorrect.

Login to myJobshop to complete your timesheet

When do I need to submit my timesheets?

To ensure timely payments for casual work, it is recommended that you submit timesheets, via myJobshop, on a weekly basis. Failure to do so may result in late payments and tax and National Insurance implications.

I have timesheets but I have not worked, can I delete them?

You can remove timesheets from your portal by submitting a zero-hours timesheet. This should only be done if you have not worked. Go into the appropriate timesheet, tick both the top box and bottom box and click submit, to remove it from your list of Incomplete/Not Submitted timesheets.

I have made a mistake with my timesheets

It is important not to claim the hours against another timesheet.

If you make a mistake with your timesheet, the myJobshop team will be able to help you, please email the appropriate team as soon as possible, providing the vacancy ID number/title and the week commencing date(s) to enable the team to re-issue a blank timesheet for you.

For students -

For non-students (including existing staff) -

How do I check if my timesheet has been authorised?

You can view authorised timesheets by following these instructions:

  • Log into your myJobshop portal.
  • In the timesheet section, click the Authorised link, which will take you to all your authorised timesheets.
  • Find the timesheet for the appropriate week (you can re-sort the list).
  • Click into the timesheet.
  • At the bottom of the timesheet, you will see the date it was authorised by the department, if it has been authorised before or on the 12th of the month (with the exception of February and December where there will be an earlier deadline) you will be paid that month.
  • If it was authorised after the 12th, it will be paid at the end of the following month. If the timesheet does not appear in the authorised section it has not been authorised. You can check the Submitted section of the timesheet portal to see which timesheets you have submitted but have not yet been authorised.

Where can I view my timesheets?

You can view your authorised timesheets here. In this section, at the bottom of the timesheet you will see the date it was authorised by the department, if it has been authorised before the 12th of the month (with the exception of February and December where there will be an earlier deadline) you will be paid that month. If your timesheet is authorised after the 12th, it will be paid at the end of the following month.

I have accepted my offer of work and there is no timesheet, what do I do?

Your timesheets should appear weekly on Monday for the duration of your assignment. If your timesheets are not showing, please contact the myJobshop Team who will be able to help you.

For student/student vacancy enquiries:

For all other enquiries:

My hiring manager has rejected my timesheet

The email you receive from myJobshop to advise you that your timesheet has been rejected will include comments from your hiring manager, which should explain why it was necessary to reject your timesheet. You will then be able to re-submit your timesheet for approval.

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