Support & training
We offer a well supported PhD and a rigorous programme of training.
A well supported PhD
Support starts at the very beginning of your contact with us. You can expect a dialogue with the Director of the Research School, who will provide you with advice in preparing your research proposal, in conjunction with your possible future supervisors.
As a PhD student you will have two academic supervisors, and you can expect to meet with your primary supervisor frequently to discuss your work in detail, as well as advice and support from a broader community of researchers through our training programme.
The Research School has a dedicated working space within the Geography and Planning building, and provides each student with desk space and access to networked computing facilities.
The department is situated close to the central services of the University including the Information Commons, the Western Bank Library and to the Students' Union building.
PhD training in the Faculty of Social Sciences
As part of the Faculty of Social Sciences you will have access to world class training alongside your doctoral study.
Research and professional skills training is designed and delivered through the Doctoral Development Programme, including courses run by the Sheffield Methods Institute, which has world class research expertise in qualitative and quantitative methods.
All our students also have access to further training in interdisciplinary study and innovative methodology and research design via events run by the White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership.