Dr Stephanie Ejegi-Memeh

PhD, MSc, PG Cert

Nursing and Midwifery, School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery

Research Associate

Steph Ejegi-Memeh
Profile picture of Steph Ejegi-Memeh

Full contact details

Dr Stephanie Ejegi-Memeh
Nursing and Midwifery, School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery
Barber House
S10 2HQ

I have been working and researching in the field of health inequalities since 2008, when I completed my BSc in Adult Nursing. I have worked with several NGOs and universities in the UK and Spain. After completing a Master of Nursing Science (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona) and a Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London), I was awarded a PhD scholarship from the University of Sheffield.

I completed my PhD in the Division of Nursing and Midwifery in 2019. My thesis was an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the sexual health and well-being experiences of baby boomer women living with Type 2 diabetes.

I currently lead and contribute to research undertaken at the Mesothelioma UK Research Centre and the NIHR School for Public Health Research.

Research interests

Methodologically, my experience is in qualitative research. I have expertise in phenomenology, thematic analysis and framework analysis.

My interests lie in health inequalities and patient/staff experience research. I have a specific interest in mesothelioma, sexual health and well-being; and health issues related to gender and race. 


Journal articles

Conference proceedings papers

Theses / Dissertations

  • Ejegi-Memeh S Baby boomer women, Type 2 diabetes and sexual health discussions in primary care: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. RIS download Bibtex download
Research group

Rebecca Stephenson - MMedSci dissertation

Tamesha Dennis – BMedSci dissertation

Dr. Emilie Couchman - PhD student (current)


£1,000: ESRC Festival of Social Science 2019. What do we know about menopause, relationships and intimacy for women? Co-applicant – Dr. Sharron Hinchliff. Funded by the ESRC, UK.

€190: Attendance to 16th National AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain in 2013. Funded by the Citizen’s Anti-AIDS Association of Catalonia, Spain

€450: Attendance to 15th National AIDS Conference, Madrid, Spain in 2012. Funded by SEISIDA (Spanish Interdisciplinary AIDS Society), Spain

£25,000: Exploring the role of Black-led community organisations in promoting mental well-being in Black communities (PI) NIHR Career Development Award.

£18,000: Supporting nurses’ palliative care education needs. World Wide University Network (PI) Worldwide University Network.

£31,484: MINNOW: Investigating the Mental health Implications of a mesothelioma diagNosis and developiNg resources to Optimise Wellbeing (PI) Mesothelioma UK. 2021.

£6000: Gender and the experiences of mesothelioma: an animation for professionals. TUoS Public Engagement Development Fund

£2000: University of Sheffield. Public Engagement Development Fund 2020. ‘Capacity building and training on: Isolation and loneliness among older BAME people living in the UK’ project (Co-app)

Teaching activities

I co-lead the Introduction to Epidemiology Unit

I am a seminar lead for the Health Psychology Unit

I frequently contribute to units on the Postgraduate Diploma in Adult Nursing (PG Dip Adult Nursing) and the BMedSci Health and Human Sciences.

Professional activities and memberships

Member of the Health Sciences School Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

Co-lead the Staff Race Equality Network Mentoring Scheme

Development Officer, Staff Race Equality Network (role to commence October 2022)

Member of the White Rose Gender Equality College

Member of the Nursing and Midwifery Council


Ejegi-Memeh S (2019) Baby boomer women, Type 2 diabetes and sexual health discussions in primary care: An interpretative phenomenological analysis (PhD)

Ejegi-Memeh S (2012) Association between HIV status and HIV knowledge in the population attending NGOs to perform rapid HIV tests in Catalonia (MSc)

Ejegi-Memeh S (2008) A qualitative grounded theory study to investigate the rationale for complementary and alternative medicine use in people living with HIV in industrialised countries (BSc)