Sanziana Chiorescu
Sanziana Chiorescu is a Teaching Technology Support Technician in IT Services.
Before Covid-19, my role involved day-to-day support of the teaching and learning process on campus, as well as supporting various events from an audio-visual point of view. During the Covid-19 pandemic I have supported remote working and other campus operations that are vital to the day-to-day activity of the University.
I enjoy having such a practical job that gives me the opportunity to work with a wide variety of equipment, ranging from the kit found in the teaching spaces to the high-end kit we have available for hire for events.
Sanziana Chiorescu
Teaching Technology Support Technician
I started working part-time as a Teaching Space Assistant throughout my final year as a student (October 2018) then progressed to a full-time role in January 2020.
The best thing about my role is definitely my team. I enjoy working with like-minded people who are conscientious, who will take time out of their day to teach you how to use a new piece of equipment that we've just acquired or to explain why something works the way it does. We are all always more than happy to help each other and come together as a team to ensure any job we have at hand is completed successfully. I also enjoy having such a practical job that gives me the opportunity to work with a wide variety of equipment, ranging from the kit found in the teaching spaces to the high-end kit we have available for hire for events.
One of the other things that I thoroughly enjoy is how diverse my current activity is. I have had to adapt quite a lot over the last year or so and it's been really interesting to learn to do so many things that needed doing.