Research areas and topics

Supervision is by leading academics across the discipline and is supported by a rigorous programme of training. Here are some of the PhD topics we are keen to explore with you.

Two academics sat down having a conversation

We welcome research proposals addressing topics from across the broad range of urban studies and planning and related disciplines such as geography, sociology, international development and politics.

We are interested in innovative social research methods, and can offer supervision across a wide range of methodological and theoretical approaches. We welcome students wanting to use both qualitative and quantitative methods in their studies.

We are particularly keen to supervise PhD topics which align with our research priorities - details of potential projects are provided below. We encourage you to treat these projects as starting points for a conversation with us.  

If you find one or more project which excites you then we invite you to contact us – either direct to the proposed supervisor or through the Director of Postgraduate Research, Ryan Powell.

PhD research areas and suggested projects