Materials and products
Our materials are used in healthcare and pharmaceuticals, environmental engineering and household products.
We discover, design, formulate and manufacture advanced materials and products with control over multiple length scales ranging from nanoscales to macroscales. We measure and predict the structure and the performance of such complex products using state-of-the-art analytical tools and sophisticated models.
Lead researchers
Dr Stephen Ebbens
+44 114 2227589
Professor Siddharth V. Patwardhan
+44 114 222 7593
Other academics
- Dr Alan Dunbar
- Dr Denis Cumming
- Professor Mike Hounslow
- Dr Jonathan Howse
- Professor David James
- Professor Jim Lister
- Dr Mark Ogden
- Dr Peyman Moghadam
- Dr James McGregor
- Dr Rachael Rothman
- Professor Agba Salman
- Dr Rachel Smith
- Professor Mo Zandi
- Dr Jon Zhao
- Professor Will Zimmerman