Exclusion and Our University—A Belief, No Belief & Religious (BNBR) Life Centre Listening Process
An invitation is offered to any student, any staff of the University of Sheffield, to participate in a listening process about exclusion and inclusion at our University. This process is being offered by a project based at the University’s Belief, No Belief & Religious (BNBR) Life Centre.
Our Listening Project (research ethics approval 036825), invites university students and staff to tell us, confidentially, about any experience of exclusion and inclusion by means of a survey—a member of our team will read each response and there is an opportunity to request a follow-on conversation.
The survey has now closed to new responses.
The Belief, No Belief & Religious (BNBR) Life Centre is here for all staff and students, and we provide a listening ear and pastoral support to all people whatever their identity, and whether or not they have a religion or belief identity.
If you have any questions about the survey or the broader project please contact Revd Dr Jeremy Clines, Professor Tamara Hervey and Dr Ela-Nutu Hall via