Research funder policy summaries

Policy summaries and guidance on data management requirements for our various research funders.


Research funder policy summaries

Policy summaries and guidance on data management requirements for our various research funders.

Many research funders in the UK have policies on the management and sharing of research data. While policies vary, they generally include the following requirements:

  • Write a data management plan (DMP), usually on application.
  • Look after your data appropriately during the research.
  • Preserve and share your data as widely as permitted.
  • Include a data availability statement in publications (required for UKRI funders).

DMP templates for individual funders can be accessed via DMPonline. (You will need to log in to the Sheffield version of DMPonline to access guidance and feedback options.) Further guidance and examples are available from the Digital Curation Centre (DCC). Annotated templates are also available from the University of Sheffield via ORDA.

The UKRI funders share common principles on research data, but you should check your individual funder’s website for current information and guidance on data management requirements.

Find links to these, and policy summaries provided by the DCC, below.


DMP required on application.

AHRC research funding guide (including data management plan guidance)

Policy summary (DCC)


DMP required on application.

BBSRC data sharing policy

Policy summary (DCC)


DMP expected.

EPSRC research data expectations

Policy summary (DCC)


DMP required on application.

ESRC research data policy

UK Data Service guidance

Policy summary (DCC)


DMP required on application.

MRC data sharing policy

Policy summary (DCC)

MRC retention framework for research data and records


DMP required on application.

NERC data policy

NERC data management planning

Policy summary (DCC)


DMP required on application.

STFC data management plan

Policy summary (DCC)

Wellcome Trust

Outputs management plan may be required on application.

Wellcome data management and sharing policy

Wellcome outputs management plan

Policy summary (DCC)


DMP required on application.

CRUK data sharing and management strategy

CRUK data sharing guidelines

Practical guidance for researchers on writing data sharing plans

Policy summary (DCC)

EC (Horizon 2020)

DMP required within 6 months of project start.

Horizon 2020 guidelines on open access to research data

Horizon 2020 guidelines on FAIR data management

Policy summary (DCC)

EC (Horizon Europe)
Short DMP at proposal stage; full DMP normally by month 6.
Other funders


DMP required.

NIHR position on the sharing of research data

Royal Society

DMP may be required on application.

Royal Society: Data sharing

Royal Society research grants scheme


DMP requested.

BCN project grant application guidelines

Parkinson’s UK

DMP required on application.

Parkinson’s UK data management and sharing

For further information, please contact