Frequently asked questions
Find the answer to your graduation question here.
- When will my ceremony be held?
For a list of ceremony dates and times, along with who is eligible to attend, please visit Dates of upcoming ceremonies.
- I registered to attend graduation but now I can't come. How can I cancel my place?
by completing the cancellation form.
- How many guest tickets can I have for my ceremony?
Each candidate attending a ceremony is guaranteed two guest tickets.
- Can I get extra guest tickets for my ceremony?
It is only possible to guarantee a maximum of two guest seats to each candidate attending. A small number of extra guest seats may become available, however, this cannot be guaranteed. If additional seats are available for your ceremony, you will be notified via email during the advertised week.
- Do I have to wear a gown?
If you wish to attend a ceremony you must wear academic dress in accordance with University regulations.
- Where do I order my gown from?
By confirming your attendance at graduation, you the graduand confirm that you agree to wear official University of Sheffield academic robes provided by our official supplier, robing company Ede & Ravenscroft Ltd, or an alternative, University Regulation compliant supplier at the ceremony. More details about robe hire will be provided to you when you register to attend.
- What colour will my gown be?
You can find details on the colours and designs of robes and hoods here.
- What should I wear underneath my gown?
The ceremonies are formal occasions and we recommend that candidates dress smartly. We welcome national dress and military uniforms. Jeans, t-shirts, trainers and similar casual attire are not considered appropriate for graduation ceremonies.
- I'm graduating in July, how do I find out my seat numbers?
Your seat numbers will be available for you to view and print approximately one week prior to your graduation ceremony. You access this via your statement of final results.
To access your results:
Log into MUSE and select My Services > myResults You can then access your Final Year Exam results from this point. Scroll down the page and click on the box marked 'Graduation Details'. You will then be able to view and print your seat numbers. You will need to print this information for yourself and any guests and retain it to gain admission to the hall. No tickets or other information will be sent by post. If you have problems accessing your results, please visit How to access your results.
- I'm graduating in January, how do I find out my seat numbers?
If you are a postgraduate taught student, you will be able to download your seat numbers online. Please visit our ticket web page for full details.
If you are a research student or a previous graduate, your tickets will be emailed to the email address you provided when you registered for graduation.
- Where can I park on the day of the ceremony?
We advise that your guests do not bring a car to the Octagon Centre due to limited parking.
Parking is available at the Q-Park on Durham Road, located next to the Octagon Centre. There is also a Q-Park on Rockingham Street, a short walk from the Octagon Centre.
We recommend that guests travelling by car make use of the Supertram Park and Ride. This is the most convenient way to get to the University if you plan to arrive in Sheffield by car. Visit for full information.
You may wish to visit the information for visitors web pages which has lots of useful information, including maps and travel advice:
- Is there provision for disabled parking?
Due to the limited amount of space available, we regret that we are unable to allocate parking spaces for disabled graduands or guests. However, if you are a blue badge holder, normal procedures for parking on double yellow lines apply. Blue badge holders can also speak to the wardens who will be happy to direct them to a suitable parking space. Due to the high volume of people attending a ceremony in any one day, it is advisable that anyone with mobility difficulties is dropped off at the Durham Road entrance to the Octagon Centre prior to parking the car.
- What time do I need to arrive?
You should plan to arrive at the University at least 90 minutes prior to the start of your ceremony.
Graduands are required to be in their seats 40 minutes before the ceremony start time. This is because University marshals undertake graduand registration once students are in their seats.
Guests must be seated in their allocated seats in the hall 10 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony.
Doors to the hall will be closed 10 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony. Graduands and guests not seated by this time may not be admitted.
- Where do I collect my gown?
See the gown hire web pages for details of the collection point and robing timetable:
Undergraduate ceremonies (July)
Postgraduate ceremonies (January) - How long does the ceremony last?
Each ceremony usually lasts between 60 and 90 minutes. The length of the ceremony depends on the size of the ceremony and if there is an honorary graduate.
- I registered to attend my ceremony but I didn't attend on the day and didn't advise you I wasn't coming. How can I receive my certificate?
As you did not advise the Events Team that you would not be attending your ceremony, your certificate will be held by SSiD until claimed. To request the release of your certificate, you should complete the form here. Please do not try to collect your certificate from the Events Team as it will not be available.
Useful links
Follow the Events Team on Twitter for graduation updates #ShefUniGrad
Ede and Ravenscroft are the official robe suppliers of the University.
Ede and Ravenscorft are the official photographers of the University.
Unclaimed certificates
If you did not respond to your graduation invitation your certificate would not have been posted to you (as you were advised at the time). If this is the case your certificate will be held by SSiD. You can request your certificate by completing the form found at the above link.
Replacement certificates
If you have lost your certificate you can purchase a replacement. Details of how to order a replacement certificate can be found at the above link.
Transcripts are issued by SSiD.
The Alumni web pages allow you to keep in touch with the University, stay up to date on the latest University news and attend exciting events and reunions.
Graduation live stream
During graduation, you can watch the ceremonies live. Links will be provided on the Graduation pages on the day.