Equality and diversity

Equality and diversity is fundamental to ensuring a work place where everyone can thrive and reach their potential. Here in Chemistry, we ensure that equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are key considerations in every aspect of our work and environment.


Athena Swan - Silver Award

We take time to consider that gender, race, religion, sexuality, disability, family commitments, work-life balance and well being are at the heart of all actions, from recruitment to meeting times to social gatherings.

Our EDI committee is very active and is comprised of representatives from all staff and student groups. The committee itself implements many actions, while the departmental structure enables recommendations from the committee to be fed directly to the top.

The Athena SWAN Charter was established in 2005 to encourage and recognise a commitment to advancing the careers of women in STEMM employment in higher education and research.

Under this charter, we are striving to address the issues of under-representation of women in science by assessing and changing cultures and attitudes. The University earned its Bronze award in 2009 and a Silver award in 2016 (renewed in 2019).The Department of Chemistry gained a Bronze award in 2013 and Silver in 2016, and currently holds a Silver award renewed in April 2020. To view the full departmental submission click here.

Recent activities in Chemistry include:

  • Obtaining our Athena SWAN silver status
  • Unconscious bias training for all staff (face-to-face 2016, followed up with online training)
  • An all staff workshop on setting narrative goals for a diverse workforce
  • Extensive survey and review of mental health issues for staff and students in the department, with an action plan resulting in considering better timing of deadlines for student assessment to easy anxiety, and better communication of support for staff.
  • Biannual staff social events (Summer and Christmas Lunches and party)
  • A biennual staff survey

A global reputation

Sheffield is a research university with a global reputation for excellence. We're a member of the Russell Group: one of the 24 leading UK universities for research and teaching.