Educating civil engineers for the twenty-first century: the ‘new-model engineer’

Nick Francis has co-authored a new research article on educating civil engineers in the twenty-first century.

Two first year students (a male and a female) building a bridge from blue Duplo bocks

Nick Francis, a Senior University Teacher at the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, has co-authored a new research article on educating civil engineers in the twenty-first century and proposed a new teaching model to empower future engineers to meet human needs in the context of climate and biodiversity crises.

The ‘new-model engineer’ will break free from the ‘bounded rationality’ which characterises the traditional siloed approach to education. Instead, they will develop a holistic understanding of civil engineering as part of a wider socio-environmental system. This change will be enabled by rebalancing teaching across the three domains of learning, valuing skills and behaviours as well as pure technical knowledge.

‘New-model’ engineers will have knowledge of engineering fundamentals, outstanding connective skills and holistic systems thinking that will empower them to be a responsible part of a more stable socio-ecological system. The approach represents a sea change in civil engineering education, which the authors believe represents the most exciting opportunity for the profession in two centuries.

The paper was co-authored a new paper with Esther Norton, Assistant Principal at Anglia-Ruskin University and has been published in the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) and is now featured on their brand new mission page where it can be read for free until the end of January 2024. Here is a direct link to the article.

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