Dr Carolina Scarton visits the University of São Paulo to plan research collaborations

Dr Carolina Scarton visited the University of São Paulo (USP) recently under a Fellowship, to meet with students and academics, and to plan collaborations with researchers at USP.

Dr Carolina Scarton with academics and students from the University of São Paulo

Dr Carolina Scarton, Senior Lecturer in Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Computer Science, recently visited the Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação (ICMC) at the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil, under a Fellowship funded by the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES).

ICMC is Dr Scarton’s alma mater, where she completed her BSc and MSc degrees. During the visit from 15th- 26th January 2024, she contributed to UG, MSc and PhD students' work, interacting with the NLP (NILC) and ML (LABIC) groups, and planned collaborations with researchers from both groups.

Dr Scarton also gave a talk at USP's Center for Artificial Intelligence about our work in the GATE team. She said of the visit: “I really enjoyed my time in Brazil, not only having the opportunity to visit my former University but also exploring existing collaborations and establishing new ones.”

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