Albalawi, Khaled |
PhD research student |
School of English
kaalbalawi1@sheffield.ac.uk |
A |
Alnasser, Ghadha |
PhD Research Student |
School of English
galnasser1@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 2XX XXXX
A |
Alwin, Sarah |
Research Student |
School of English
satalwin1@sheffield.ac.uk |
A |
Badman, Cath |
Research Student |
School of English
c.badham@sheffield.ac.uk |
B |
Ball, Liam |
PhD Research Student |
School of English
lgball1@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 2XX XXXX
B |
Bayoumy, Noha |
Research Student |
School of Education
NBayoumy@sheffield.ac.uk |
B |
Bentley, Chadwick |
Research Student |
School of English
CJBentley1@sheffield.ac.uk |
B |
Bonsey, Melanie |
PhD Research Student |
School of English
mbonsey1@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 2XX XXXX
B |
Bowles, Dorothy |
Research Student |
School of English
DHBowles1@sheffield.ac.uk |
B |
Brown, Rebecca |
PhD Research Student |
School of English
rebrown5@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 2XX XXXX
B |
Brown, Richard |
Research Student |
School of English
RMWBrown1@sheffield.ac.uk |
B |
Buchanan, Heather |
Research Student |
School of English
HLBuchanan1@sheffield.ac.uk |
B |
Bullen-Cutting, Ashley |
Research Student |
School of English
AJBullen-Cutting1@sheffield.ac.uk |
B |
Caley-Komine, Emi |
Research Student |
School of English
ECaley-Komine1@sheffield.ac.uk |
C |
Campos Martinez, Natalia |
Research Student |
School of English
NMCamposMartinez1@sheffield.ac.uk |
C |
Crocker, Rosalind |
PhD Research Student |
School of English
rcrocker1@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 2XX XXXX
C |
Crowther, Tasmin |
Research Student |
School of English
tecrowther1@sheffield.ac.uk |
C |
Curto, Gemma |
Research Student |
School of English
g.curto@sheffield.ac.uk |
C |
Dimitriou, Nikolemma |
PhD research student |
School of English
npdimitriou1@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 2XX XXXX
D |
Donnison, Jennifer |
Research Student |
School of English
JEDonnison1@sheffield.ac.uk |
D |
Dorey, Benjamin |
Research Student |
School of English
ega05bcd@sheffield.ac.uk |
D |
Dorey, Peter |
Research Student |
School of English
p.dorey@sheffield.ac.uk |
D |
Dziura, Nathaniel |
Research Student |
School of English
nathaniel.dziura@sheffield.ac.uk |
D |
Eales, Sally |
Research Student |
School of English
saeales1@sheffield.ac.uk |
E |
Escanes Sierra, Rosa |
Research Student |
School of English
r.escanes.sierra@sheffield.ac.uk |
E |
Fellman, Robert |
PhD Research Student |
School of English
rdfellman1@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 2XX XXXX
F |
Fibisan, Veronica |
Research Student |
School of English
vfibisan1@sheffield.ac.uk |
F |
Grace, Johanna |
Research Student |
School of English
johanna.grace@sheffield.ac.uk |
G |
Greenwood, Catherine |
PhD Research Student |
School of English
cmgreenwood1@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 2XX XXXX
G |
Hammerton-Barry, Emily |
Research Student |
School of English
EKHammerton-Barry1@sheffield.ac.uk |
H |
Hammond, Thomas |
PhD Research Student |
School of English
tahammond1@sheffield.ac.uk |
H |
Hartwell, Bina |
Research Student |
School of English
BKHartwell1@sheffield.ac.uk |
H |
Harvey, Peter |
Research Student |
School of English
pjharvey1@sheffield.ac.uk |
H |
Henderson-Merrygold, Jo |
Research Student |
School of English
j.henderson-merrygold@sheffield.ac.uk |
H |
Hussain, Maria |
Research Student |
School of English
MHussain3@sheffield.ac.uk |
H |
Hutchings-Budd, Clair |
PhD research student |
School of English
cjhutchings-budd1@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 2XX XXXX
H |
Jackson, Amy |
Research Student |
School of English
AJackson8@sheffield.ac.uk |
J |
Jackson, Sarah |
Research Student |
School of English
Sarah.L.Jackson@sheffield.ac.uk |
J |
James, Cora |
Research Student |
School of English
CJames5@sheffield.ac.uk |
J |
Jay, Claire |
PhD Research Student |
School of English
cjay1@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 2XX XXXX
J |
Johnson, Elena |
Research Student |
School of English
EJohnson5@sheffield.ac.uk |
J |
Jones, Loma |
Research Student |
School of English
LSHJones1@sheffield.ac.uk |
J |
Mansfield, Joe |
Research Student |
School of English
Ega08jtm@sheffield.ac.uk |
M |
Mansfield, Katie |
PhD Research Student |
School of English
kmansfield1@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 2XX XXXX
M |
Marlow, Emily R |
Research Student |
School of English
e.marlow@sheffield.ac.uk |
M |
Maxwell, Sophie |
Research Student |
School of English
SMaxwell1@sheffield.ac.uk |
M |
Mayson, Katrina |
Research Student |
School of English
kemayson1@sheffield.ac.uk |
M |
McCaffrey, Pauline |
Research Student |
School of English
PMcCaffrey1@sheffield.ac.uk |
M |
McConnell, Deirdre |
Research Student |
School of English
dmcconnell1@sheffield.ac.uk |
M |
McLoughlin, Nigel |
Research Student |
School of English
NFMcLoughlin1@sheffield.ac.uk |
M |
Miller, Kerry |
PhD Research Student |
School of English
k.miller@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 2XX XXXX
M |
Mofatt, Timothy |
Research Student |
School of English
tmoffatt1@sheffield.ac.uk |
M |
Murray, Molly |
Research Student |
School of English
mmurray2@sheffield.ac.uk |
M |
Musollaj, Arta |
Research Student |
School of English
AMusollaj1@sheffield.ac.uk |
M |
Mynett, Abigail |
Research Student |
School of English
AOMynett1@sheffield.ac.uk |
M |
Nagouse, Emma |
Research Student |
School of English
e.nagouse@sheffield.ac.uk |
N |
Naish, Emily |
Research Student |
School of English
ejnaish1@sheffield.ac.uk |
N |
Neal, Kathryn |
PhD Research Student |
School of English
kaneal1@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 2XX XXXX
N |
O'Key, Dr Dominic |
Leverhulme Fellow |
School of English
d.okey@sheffield.ac.uk |
O |
O'Neill, Charlotte |
Research Student |
School of English
CONeill2@sheffield.ac.uk |
O |
Panha, Ming |
Research Student |
School of English
mpanha1@sheffield.ac.uk |
P |
Payne, Evangeline |
PhD Research Student |
School of English
erpayne1@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 2XX XXXX
P |
Pinnock, Hannah |
Research Student |
School of English
hannah.pinnock@sheffield.ac.uk |
P |
Powell, Felicity |
Research Student |
School of English
FPowell2@sheffield.ac.uk |
P |
Rose, Starlina |
PhD Research Student |
School of English
sdrose1@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 2XX XXXX
R |
Sands, Peter |
Research Student |
School of English
pwsands1@sheffield.ac.uk |
S |
Shakur, Arazoo |
Research Student |
School of English
AIShakur1@sheffield.ac.uk |
S |
Simon, Rebecca |
Research Student |
School of English
rwosimon1@sheffield.ac.uk |
S |
Stevenson, Carly |
Research Student |
School of English
cstevenson2@sheffield.ac.uk |
S |
Walker, Rachel |
Research Student |
School of English
r.c.walker@sheffield.ac.uk |
W |
Webber, Diane |
Research Student |
School of English
DNWebber1@sheffield.ac.uk |
W |
Wells, Christopher |
PhD Research Student |
School of English
cjwells1@sheffield.ac.uk |
W |
Whitcombe, Dr Rosie |
MHRA Postdoctoral Research Associate |
School of English
r.e.whitcombe@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 222 0196
W |
White, Alexander |
Research Student |
School of English
AWhite6@sheffield.ac.uk |
W |
Whittle, Sophie |
PhD research student |
School of English
swhittle2@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 2XX XXXX
W |
Worthington, Victoria |
PhD Research Student |
School of English
vworthington1@sheffield.ac.uk |
+44 114 2XX XXXX
W |
Yildiz, Abdullah |
Research Student |
School of English
AYildiz1@sheffield.ac.uk |
Y |