Current Grant Portfolio

Below is a list of grants that are currently active in The Department of Computer Science.

Grant Title Awarded to Awarding Body Start Date End Date
ActiveAI: active learning and selective attention for robust, transparent and efficient AI Mike Mangan EPSRC 01/11/2019 31/10/2024
Adaptive AI-enabled and Context-enhanced Mobile Intelligence for Climate-smart Pest Management to Optimise Sustainable and Resilient Farming Po Yang Innovate UK 01/04/2023 30/09/2024
AI-enabled and Context-enhanced Mobile Intelligence for Sustainable Pest Management in Arable Crops Po Yang Research England 27/03/2023 26/03/2024
AIPPN: Interpretable AI enabled Molecular Identification Pipeline for Plant-parasitic Nematodes Po Yang Innovate UK 01/09/2023 29/02/2024
Atrium: Advancing FronTier Research In the Arts and hUManities Kalina Bontcheva Horizon Europe 01/01/2024 31/12/2027
ATM II: Automated Threat Modelling for Enterprise AI-enabled Assets Aryan Paskihani Innovate UK 16/10/2023 31/03/2024
Based Integration of ASR and MT in Spoken Language Translation Thomas Hain Industrial 01/03/2014 31/12/2023
BOOM: A Digital Twin for Designing Bladder Treatment Informed By Bladder Outlet Obstruction Mechanobiology Paul Watton Government 01/08/2023 31/07/2028
CausalXRL: Causal eXplanations in Reinforcement Learning Eleni Vasilaki EPSRC 01/02/2021 31/07/2024
CAVAA: Counterfactual Assessment and Valuation for Awareness Architecture Tony Prescott Horizon Europe 01/10/2022 30/09/2026
Challenges to Revolutionise Hearing Device Processing Jon Barker EPSRC 01/10/2019 31/10/2025
CITCoM: Casual Inference for Testing of Computational Models Neil Walkinshaw EPSRC 01/01/2021 28/02/2025
ClimateSmarrt: AI-enhanced Climate-Smart Fertiliser Management for Sustainable and Resilient Farming Po Yang Innovate 01/01/2024 30/06/2026
Cyclic Reasoning Mechanisms for Interactive Theorem Proving Andrei Popescu Charity 01/08/2021 29/02/2024
Deep learning of articulatory-based representations of dysarthric speech Heidi Christensen Industrial 01/03/2016 31/12/2023
Digital Twin KE II James Law Research England 01/07/2023 31/03/2024
Distillation: Knowledge Distillation empowered Mobile Intelligence Solution for Sustainable Management of Crop Pests and Soil Health Po Yang Innovate UK 01/02/2024 31/01/2025
Distinguishing Common and Proper Nouns Mark Stevenson Industrial 01/03/2011 31/12/2023
EnhanceMusic: Machine Learning Challenges to Revolutionise Music Listening for People with Hearing Loss, Jon Barker EPSRC 01/06/2022 30/11/2026
ESPERANTO: Exchanges for SPEech ReseArch aNd TechnOlogies Nikos Aletras EU H2020 01/01/2021 31/12/2025
ExU:  AI Models for Examining Multilingual Disinformation Narratives and Understanding their Spread Carolina Scarton EU 01/11/2023 30/05/2025
Farmer-centred Interoperable Mobile-Cloud System: Integrating Data from Farming Activities and Environmental Information for Sustainable Fertiliser Management Po Yang Innovate UK 01/03/2021 29/02/2024
Games Software Engineering Steve Maddock Charity 27/09/2021 08/06/2024
GraphCom: Communication Complexity of Graph Algorithms Sagnik Mukhopadhyay RCUK 01/12/2023 30/11/2026
Imagining Technologies for Disability Futures Tony Prescott Charity 01/01/2020 31/12/2024
In-Procedure Personalized Atrial Digital Twin to Predict Outcome of Atrial Fibrillation Richard Clayton EPSRC 01/04/2022 31/03/2026
iNavigate: Brain-inspired technologies for intelligent navigation and mobility Tony Prescott EU H2020 01/12/2019 31/05/2025
Interdisciplinary project on COMPutational Assessment of Stroke Survivors (COMPASS) Heidi Christensen Charity 01/02/2020 11/02/2024
Investigating Deep Learning enabled UAV Image Analysis Models for Crop Disease Detection and Monitoring Po Yang RCUK 01/07/2023 30/06/2024
Ireland Hub Kalina Bontcheva EC 01/09/2021 29/02/2024
Learning Representations of Higher-Order Structures for Networks via Tensor Embedding Haiping Lu Industrial 01/04/2019 31/12/2023
Logical approach to quantum mechanics and contextuality Jonni Virtema DFG 06/09/2021 31/10/2024
Measuring Human Attribution of Awareness to Robots Tony Prescott Charity 01/12/2023 30/11/2025
Mobilise D: Connecting digital mobility assessment to clinical outcomes for regulatory and clinical endorsement Vita Lanfranchi EU H2020 01/04/2019 30/06/2024
Modeling Idiomaticity in Human and Artificial Language Processing Aline Villavicencio EPSRC 01/12/2020 30/11/2024
Modeling probabilistic reinforcement learning and variable behaviour in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster Eleni Vasilaki Industrial 01/05/2018 31/07/2024
Modelling the link between working memory and language deficits in schizophrenia Aline Villavicencio Charity 01/12/2020 30/09/2024
PestGPT: Integrating Visual Intelligence and ChatGPT into a Mobile Solution for Sustainable Pest Management Po Yang Innovate UK 01/09/2023 28/02/2024
Quantitative verification of software families based on coalgebraic modal logic and games Harsh Beohar EPSRC 01/12/2022 30/11/2024
Real-time Reservoir Computing on Prosthetic Devices Luca Manneschi Charity 31/03/2023 31/03/2025
Responsible AI for Inclusive, Democratic Societies: A cross-disciplinary approach to detecting and countering abusive language online Kalina Bontcheva ESRC 01/02/2020 31/01/2024
RiRS: VIM: towards a Vision based System for Inventory Management with Deep Learning Zhixiang Chen EPSRC 15/01/2024 14/01/2026
RoarQ Phil McMinn RCUK 03/05/2023 31/03/2026
RoboTest: Systematic Model-Based Testing and Simulation of Mobile Autonomous Robots Rob Hierons EPSRC 01/09/2018 31/08/2024
Safe and secure COncurrent programming for adVancEd aRchiTectures (COVERT) John Derrick EPSRC 01/07/2023 30/11/2026
SAI: Social Explainable Artificial Intelligence Nikos Aletras EPSRC 01/02/2021 31/01/2024
Security of Digital Twins in Manufacturing John Clark EPSRC 07/10/2021 31/01/2025
SimpliFaiS: Simplification of Failure Scenarios for Machine Learning-enabled Autonomous Systems Donghwan Shin EPSRC 01/01/2024 30/06/2026
SoBigData ++: An Integrated Infrastructures for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics Kalina Bontcheva EU H2020 01/01/2020 31/12/2023
SoBigData PPP: SoBigData RI Preparatory Phase Project Kalina Bontcheva Horizon Europe 01/10/2022 30/09/2025
Social foundations of cryptography Ben Dowling EPSRC 01/10/2023 30/09/2026
Synthesising characteristic formulae and apartness proofs for coalgebras Harsh Beohar Charity 31/03/2023 30/03/2025
TENACITy: Travelling Intelligence Against Crime and Terrorism Vita Lanfranchi Horizon Europe 01/10/2022 30/09/2025
Test FLARE: Test Flakiness Automated Reproduction and Explanation Phil McMinn RCUK 02/10/2023 01/02/2027
The automated coding of expressed emotion to enhance clinical and epidemiological mental health research in adolescence Heidi Christensen MRC 01/11/2022 31/10/2024
The SofTMech Statistical Emulation and Translation Hub Richard Clayton EPSRC 01/03/2021 28/02/2025
Transforming Parkinson's disease clinical management with integrated digital health
Vita Lanfranchi EPSRC 10/01/2023 29/02/2024
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Speech and Language Technologies and their Applications Thomas Hain UKRI 01/04/2019 30/07/2027
UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Node in Verifiability Rob Hierons UKRI 01/11/2020 31/10/2024 VERification Assisted by Artificial Intelligence Kalina Bontcheva Horizon Europe 01/09/2022 31/08/2025
VIGILANT: Vital IntelliGence to Investigate ILlegAl DisiNformaTion Carolina Scarton Horizon Europe 01/11/2022 31/10/2025
VoiceBase Centre Thomas Hain Industrial 01/04/2018 31/03/2026

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