Current incidents
Met Office warnings of snow
Thursday 8 February
The Met Office has issued warnings of snow from 6am on Thursday 8 February. At this stage we expect that the campus will be open as usual. We will continue to monitor the situation and if anything changes, we will share updates here on this page.
Israel Gaza conflict
Information and support for those affected by the Israel Gaza conflict
Safety and security on campus
We continue to work closely with the police and security advisers to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our community of staff and students.
We keep our procedures and practices under continual review in the light of local and national guidance.
While we have not been advised of any further security measures at this time, we will be closely consulting with relevant bodies and preparing in readiness for any further actions that may be needed.
We will also continue to work closely with our Students’ Union, multi-faith chaplaincy and other groups who share our common and unwavering commitment to the values of community cohesion, tolerance and respect.
Stay safe principles
The personal safety of our staff and students is paramount, and with this in mind we wanted to share with you the government's advice on what to do in the unlikely event of a safety threat such as firearms or terrorist activity on campus.
Whilst there are no specific threats to the University, the UK’s national threat level is 'substantial' and we want to ensure that everyone is informed about how to stay safe and secure on campus.
The government's advice in such incidents is to ensure you follow the Stay Safe principles: Run, Hide, Tell.
Download: Stay Safe Principles (PDF, 242 KB)
Student online support - hate crime
Guidance and information for students on what hate crime is and how to report it.