Who to talk to
For further information and guidance, contact your department's impact lead. They will be able to work with you to develop your impact or signpost you to the relevant support in your faculty or the Research, Partnerships and Innovation team
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Faculty Impact Manager
Samantha Garwood, samantha.garwood@sheffield.ac.uk
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty Impact Manager
Allan Griffin, allan.griffin@sheffield.ac.uk
Faculty Impact Champion
Dr. Chris Holland, christopher.holland@sheffield.ac.uk
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Healthcare
Faculty Impact Manager
Sarah Howson, s.f.howson@sheffield.ac.uk
Faculty of Science
Faculty Impact Manager
Stuart Fraser, s.fraser@sheffield.ac.uk
Faculty of Social Science
Knowledge Exchange Lead
Jennifer Watson, J.M.Watson@sheffield.ac.uk
Research, Partnerships and Innovation
University Impact manager
Cliona Boyle, c.boyle@sheffield.ac.uk
University Impact Officer
Tijana Close, t.close@sheffield.ac.uk