Betty Anyika

Project Manager for the Student Lifecycle Project and Joint Events Officer for the Black, Asian and Other Minority (BAME) Staff Network.

A photo of Betty Anyika - image

In 2014 I joined the University as the Sheffield Project Manager for the Postgraduate Support Scheme, I then worked on the Equivalent Qualifications Project.

Both of these projects focused on helping under-represented groups access Higher Education and aimed to better understand and address the barriers that may prevent this. I am now a Project Manager working on the Student Lifecycle Project.

I am also a qualified Tennis Coach and a highlight last year was spending a day with Judy Murray as one of her Miss Hits coaches.

Here at the University, I am proud to have helped set up the BAME Staff Network alongside Dr Tony Williams and Nishat Awan and am excited about my continued contribution as part of the Network's Committee.

As Joint Events Officer for the Network, with Tariq Zaman, I've enjoyed working with 'Our Mel' and the Students' Union to bring Afua Hirsch to the University as part of Black History Month.

In addition by working with colleagues in Development, Alumni Relations and Events as well the School of English, the University will welcome Ade Solanke during Black History Month as a featured dramatist and guest practitioner.

I look forward to these continued collaborations and building new links across the University and beyond. Importantly, I want to help ensure that BAME staff are represented at all levels and feel valued across the University.

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