Authorised signatories
Guidance on getting authorised signatories on grant applications and finding authorised staff in Research, Partnerships and Innovation.
An authorised signature is required on all grant applications and contracts to ensure that the University:
- recovers all direct costs and maximises indirect costs
- meets sponsor requirements
- complies with internal and external policy and regulations
- protects and maximises its intellectual property rights
- does not accept unduly onerous contractual obligations
- protects the rights of its researchers and other staff including the right to publish.
All contracts are made with the legal entity, the University of Sheffield, and only the Director of Finance may authorise particular staff to sign legally binding documents on its behalf.
The following members of staff in the Research, Partnerships and Innovation are authorised to sign research grant applications, awards and contracts for and on behalf of, the University of Sheffield. Please note that the University requires up to three working days' notice to check and review grant applications.
To arrange a signature please follow the appropriate procedure for the document you wish to be signed (staff login required):
- Confidentiality/non-disclosure agreement
- Material transfer agreement
- Grant application
- Letter of support
- Accepting an award
- Grant agreement for research
Research Partnerships and Innovation authorised signatories contacts
The University of Sheffield reserves the right to declare null and void any research application, grant or contract supposedly signed on its behalf by any person other than those shown below.
Find contact details for authorised signatories (staff login required)
Applications and awards from public funding sources (such as Research Councils, Wellcome Trust, NIHR, Government departments) using funder terms and conditions
- Heads of Faculty Research Support
- Challenge-Driven Support Manager
- Contracts Team Leader
Agreements underpinning academic–academic collaborations
- Head of Impact and IP
- Head of Research Grant Operations
- Deputy Director of Research, Partnerships and Innovation
- Director of Research, Partnerships and Innovation
Agreements based on University of Sheffield standard or agreed terms
- Director of Research, Partnerships and Innovation
- Director of Regional Engagement and Partnerships
Applications, awards and agreements from public funding sources where substantial amendments have been made to standard terms or agreements
Applications, awards and agreements from non-public third parties (such as commercial companies)
Those identified as low or medium risk according to agreed procedure in Research, Partnerships and Innovation (ie low or medium risk of reputational or other damage to the University)
- Head of Impact and IP
- Head of Research Grant Operations
- Deputy Director of Research, Partnerships and Innovation
- Director of Regional Engagement and Partnerships
Those identified as high risk according to agreed procedure in Research, Partnerships and Innovation (ie high risk of reputational or other damage to the University)
- Director of Research, Partnerships and Innovation
- In their absence, Authorised Financial Officer
Power of attorney (limited to a specific point relating to a research or innovation agreement), patent assignments, licenses and other commercial instruments
- Head of Impact and IP
- Head of Research Grant Operations
- Deputy Director of Research, Partnerships and Innovation
- Director of Research, Partnerships and Innovation
- Director of Regional Engagement and Partnerships
- In their absence, Authorised Financial Officer
Horizon 2020 applications and agreements
- Director of Research, Partnerships and Innovation