About University Executive Board



  • The University Executive Board provides leadership and management, and collectively advises the President and Vice-Chancellor of the University on operational matters.

Terms of Reference:

  1. To understand and interpret the strategic environment in which the University operates, including dissemination of analyses and consultation on the strategic choices facing the University.
  2. To provide steer and leadership on the academic and development strategy of the University.
  3. To propose the University budget.
  4. To receive, approve and monitor Faculty and Professional Service 5 year plans.
  5. To monitor and review the University performance (and that of its constituent faculties and services) and opportunities for development to optimise their contribution and impact within the University and national and international academic communities.
  6. To enable the rapid and effective exchange of policy, funding and performance information to enable informed strategic discussions within the UEB, the faculties and professional services.
  7. To develop an annual operating plan stating the key priorities for development within each academic session of the University.
  8. To monitor and advise key leaders on mission critical operational issues and academic/service coherence leaving the responsibility for delivery to the Faculty Vice-Presidents and Heads of Professional Services as appropriate.